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We can't always be working, right? Right! This journal is where we share a few of the things that inspire us on a daily basis.

Next-level pie-baking

Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secret… Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Gehz are awarded the Nobel Prize In Physics for their discoveries concerning the darkest secret of the universe.

Next-level pie-baking by pastry designer, stylist, author & photographer Karin Pfeiff Boschek. Buy the book if you need a gift for any pie-loving friends!

Ulysses is one those core applications that we probably wouldn't want to live without. Take it away and we'd simply stop operating properly. Just set it up with a monospaced font like the beautiful IBM Plex Family.

Want to learn about printing? Screenprinting: The Complete Water-based System by Robert Adam and Carol Robertson is a profound guide about printing with lots of useful references about the Lascaux color system.

You gotta try. And try and try. And try again: it'll work eventually: fail better, fail faster, don't ever give up. Keep going!

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We are 100% committed

From first impression to final delivery: everything that we would expect from a good store ourselves. We offer safe payments (SSL-encrypted connections) and accept all major credit cards. Turnarounds are fast & reliable with FREE shipping starting at 125 EUR.

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How can we help?

Our FAQ-Area is a good place to start. You can also reach out at — we are here for you.

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